Sunday, October 6, 2013

Talking points #3


August argues that the existence of a LBGT lifestyle needs to be further exposed rather than ignored within primary eduction in order to remove the negative stigmas attached to it.

The biggest enabler for bullying, emotional harassment, and social discomfort to those that possess differences is a lack of information surrounding those differences. Lack of knowledge leads to assumptions, and assumptions, when left unchallenged or ignored eventually devolve into bigotry. When students aren't told that a certain unfamiliar quality is the norm, or is okay, they quite often grow up to assume it isn't. By schools keeping mouths shut about those enjoying a LBGT lifestyle, they're keeping it a taboo. Bullying at a young age is often a catalyst for a life of discomfort, emotional scars and the crumbling of an ego. Yet when bullies harass someone practicing what many only know as a taboo, they look like heroes, encouraging the behavior. The theme of bullying remains one of the biggest dangers to individuals of all, with the blow up social media, bullying is becoming more pervasive by the day.
Points to Share:

Exposure to different races and lifestyles seems like a piece of the common core. Even the Art class I'm taking part in for my service learning project is, at the center, more of a cultural education class. We teach students of tribal Native American beliefs, the pride to be taken in African art, or the elegant and emotional display of Japanese theater. If the theme of appreciating every different culture is so prevalent, then why is the culture of LBGT being omitted? When we're taught to avoid something, we have the natural behavior to assume that the reason is because that topic is wrong, or in some manner, offensive. Teachers avoid cuss words because we believe they're bad, so what does that say about our omission of gays?


  1. Great Job Nick, I agree with your point that when we don't talk about something it can be taboo. Great image as well.

  2. HI Nick,
    I really enjoyed reading your post and completely agree with you. I really liked how you talked about how a lack of knowledge can lead to assumptions and misconceptions. I also enjoyed how you related it to your art class. Good job!

  3. "Teachers avoid cuss words because we believe they're bad, so what does that say about our omission of gays?" I love how you ended with this question of omission and its idea that not talking about it shows that being gay is wrong. Great thing to leave of with to keep the thoughts of your readers going.

  4. Love hearing about the great work in your SL Art class... and I also wonder why/if LGBT themes are ever included. Hmmmmm.
